Above: Bourgeois off-shoulder dress, Temperley, £1,495, temperleylondon.com; pink and white shoes, Christian Louboutin, £595, christianlouboutin.com

Golden tiered ruffle dress, Zimmerman, £995, brownsfashion.com; pink and white shoes, Christian Louboutin, £595, christianlouboutin.com

Blue patterned off-the-shoulder dress, Dolce & Gabbana, £2,000, flannels.com; gold earrings, Bulgari, £2,300, bulgari.com; gold ring, £4,500, and gold bracelet, £16,000, both from Niquesa, niquesafinejewellery.com

White organza top, Cecilie Bahnsen, £475, matchesfashion.com; floral corset top (worn underneath), Dolce & Gabbana, £595, flannels.com; diamond and rose gold bracelet, Bulgari, £2,070, bulgari.com; white trousers, Elizabeth and James, £255, elizabethandjames.us

White ruffled dress, Zimmerman, £835, net-a-porter.com; flying butterfly collar necklace, Van Cleef & Arpels, £POA, vancleefarpels.com; white shoes, Boss, £269, boss.com

Dress, Red Valentino, £875, fenwick.co.uk; shoes, Christian Louboutin, £595, christianlouboutin.com; ring, Van Cleef & Arpels, £POA, Vancleefarpels.com

Blue ruffled silk-chiffon top, Preen by Thornton Bregazzi, £650, net-a-porter.com; white trousers, Elizabeth and James, £255, elizabethandjames.us; plexi and jewel shoes, Jimmy Choo, £1,050, jimmychoo.com

Pale pink fine mesh dress, Red Valentino, £875, fenwick.co.uk; two butterfly ring, Van Cleef & Arpels, £POA, vancleefarpels.com